Dhirendra Kumar is India's foremost expert on mutual funds. Mr. Kumar is the founder and CEO of Value Research, India's leading independent provider of mutual fund information and research. Value Research and Mr. Kumar have been dedicated to the task of guiding Indian investors since the inception of the company in 1990. Over the last decade and a half, he has gained a unique perspective by closely observing the birth and growth of the modern Indian fund industry and by interacting with and helping thousands of investors. Mr. Kumar is editor of Value Research's popular website on mutual funds, www.valueresearchonline.com, and its two monthly magazines, Mutual Fund Insight and Wealth Insight. He is also a popular columnist and commentator in the print and electronic media. 

Mr. Kumar took a Bachelor of Business Studies from the University of Delhi in 1990. He founded Value Research immediately after finishing college. He has followed no other profession.